COOK REAL FOOD PROGRAM follows the Low Carbohydrate Healthy Fat Lifestyle Philosophy
My Cook Real Food program – eat the food nature provided.
Come and embrace this Real Food journey with me towards a healthier living and cooking lifestyle. After many years of teaching cookery from various cuisines around the world, my focus now embraces cooking food that is specifically low-carbohydrate and healthy fat, also called Keto. In this program I concentrate on eating the food that nature provides, the cooking and eating of real food, nutri-dense, natural food. In this program you learn how to give Real Food, Real Flavour, using the fundamental techniques of good methods of cookery.
What makes my Cook Real Food program different? The program’s core foundation is the food philosophy of the Low Carbohydrate Healthy Fat, Keto, lifestyle.
You will learn the key elements of this LCHF program: what foods to eat the most of and what foods to eat less of. What low-carb ingredients to substitute for those high in carbohydrates, you receive menu planning tips, along with thoughtful shopping and storage ideas as well. You will Cook Real Food and gain Real Flavour and Nourishment from the nutri-rich, delicious healthy food.
In all my classes, we always make everything ourselves. This is a very special focus in this class. We cook and eat food that nature provides, natural foods. We cook using minimal carbohydrates and no processed foods; the majority of our foods include above-ground vegetables, animal proteins, pure diary, definitely no low-fat products as these are high in sugar; we only use healthy fats such as olive oil, butter, avocado oil, coconut oil, duck fat, macadamia nut oil home-made egg mayonnaise, some nuts and seeds.
In all the dishes we cook, there are no highly processed foods, no industrialised, highly processed oils such as canola, peanut, sunflower, palm, safflower, grapeseed etc. We avoid all foods using additives and preservatives and ingredients whose names you do not recognise or with names you cannot pronounce!
So, if you want to learn how to make delicious, nutritious, natural meals, using minimal carbohydrates and discovering natural, real food substitutes along the way – this is the cooking class program for you!
Re-discover the pleasures of the art of cooking, to cook for flavour and taste and enjoy the dining ‘culture’ of the table.
Learn how to cook delicious, nutritious, natural, flavourful meals for your family and friends. Enjoy and appreciate your experience of the kitchen, and gain pleasure and satisfaction from the cooking process.
Good eating is fundamental to healthy living. We need to eat well to stay healthy and well. As a society, we need to elevate our thinking about food, to realise how important good food is for us, and most importantly, to learn to cook food well, using our local, seasonal, fresh, real food.
As a member of the Slow Food Movement, I follow its philosophy, that the food we eat should taste good, it should be produced in a clean way that does not harm the environment, and its producers should receive a fair compensation for their work
Eating real food – the food that nature provides will enable you to live a healthier and more enjoyable life; it will help your immune system to be the best it can be.
Eating what food nature provides means shopping at fresh food markets, good butchers, greengrocers, delicatessens, farmers’ markets and getting as close as you can to the people who produce your food.
All full-day classes start at 8.45am and finish at 3.30pm.
Book your class now; classes are small and numbers are limited.
Note: Private classes are available on any date of your choice for groups of 4+ – Please contact Tonya for availability
Classes $295 p/p
By the way, there is now a Partners and Friends Class Luncheon available, without the cooking class. This is available for guests of people attending the Cooking on the Bay cooking classes, and who do not want to cook!
Guest arrival time is around 12.30pm; we are usually finished cooking by then. If we are still finishing off a dish or 2, your guest can relax with a glass of wine.
The cost for this lunch-only option, including wine is $145 per person. Email me to book .
Dr. Barton Jennings, Lung and Sleep Physician, Melbourne – ‘How to lose weight without having to eat less and exercise more’.
For many years, we have been told incorrect information about healthy nutrition. This has resulted in many people gaining weight and developing diseases of lifestyle such as obesity, hypertension, diabetes and cancer. In this video, Barton explains what we should be eating for weight loss and to achieve optimal health.
My Cook Real Food Cooking classes teach you the methods and techniques of cooking, with tasting, easy, delicious and modern recipes, which all support the Low Carb and Healthy Fat Lifestyle Program. Eating the LCHF way will improve your health and you will boost your body’s natural immunity.
This YouTube is by my son Dr Barton Jennings, a Respiratory Physician, a specialist in lung disease and sleep medicine. In this YT he explains the best way to lose weight is to adopt a diet that is low carb healthy fat or sometimes referred to as keto. This talk was from our series of live events for our patients and community. Learn how to lose weight, improve your blood pressure, achieve better mental health and live longer. This video explains why low carb is healthy, what it means and how to implement a low carb healthy fat lifestyle to you can enjoy the benefits.
My Cook Real Food cooking classes promote and support all these principles of a Low Carb Healthy Fat diet…book a class with me soon and learn some fantastic LCHF recipes, plus some excellent hints and tips.
These classes have varied and interesting menus, including appetiser, entrée, main and dessert. They include some stocks and sauces and condiments; easy, everyday cookery and dishes for entertaining as well.
In these classes, there is a strong focus on developing the flavours from the food we cook and the importance of tasting as you go – cook, taste, season, cook, taste, season, until you get it just right. Go slowly so you do not over-season!
You learn and will understand the techniques and methods of cookery, plus cookery awareness which is the ‘education of the senses’. As a result, you will rely less on perfecting a collection of recipes.
The key element of Cookery Awareness is learning to use your taste and smell especially – without which food will not taste good; it is YOU who play the vital role. Your hearing and sight play a significant role as you hear the sizzling, hear and see the gentle simmering and the blurp, blurp of your stock cooking rather than the raging boil.
And then there are the best flavouring ingredients, salt and butter, which play an important role in your cooking. Just like fat, we are no longer afraid of salt! Both add to the flavour and enjoyment of our food.
In Cook Real Food, you learn how to make all your own sauces, dressings, condiments, naturally, without using any processed or refined products, no added chemicals, there are no commercial sauces, oils. As Michael Pollan says, we need to be eating food our Grandparents would have eaten.
So, there you are – my challenge – come to learn how to Cook Real Food, the Low Carb Healthy Fat way, with me at Cooking on the Bay very soon!
For those of you who would like to learn more about the Low Carb Healthy Fat lifestyle, an excellent book is by Dr Peter Brukner, Australian leading Sports Physician and founder of SugarByHalf, entitled A fat lot of good; how the experts got food and diet so wrong and what you can do to take back control of your health. Peter is a professor of Sports medicine at LaTrobe University, author of many books and research papers, plus has been the tea doctor for the Australian cricket team at Melbourne and Collingwood AFL clubs and the national Olympic athletics team. His book is readily available online and in bookshops, plus it is available from me here at Cooking on the Bay for $25.00. Contact me to purchase your copy.

Mediteranean Chicken with artichokes

“Thanks for all the photos and the great day on Saturday. Both Brendan and I had a great time and loved the new recipes.” Simone Lewis, Kew. June 2019

Mediteranean Chicken with artichokes

“I am looking forward to cooking with you again soon. You are so knowledgeable and l love your teaching style.” Letizia Michael, Narre Warren South, July 2019.
“I am looking forward to cooking with you again soon. You are so knowledgeable and l love your teaching style.” Letizia Michael, Narre Warren South, July 2019.
“Thank you so much for Saturday – I loved every minute of the course. I loved meeting new people and sharing food that we had cooked together. I have had a dream to live in France when I turn 60 and feel that I was meant to be there on Saturday to help fuel my dream!
My two favourite dishes were the octopus – I would never have been brave enough to cook that on my own and the spaghetti squash – I have always been fascinated by it – both were delicious.
The best thing I learnt was to have a go and not be scared of cooking new things. The experience was exceptional and I did not want to leave – maybe a part 1 and 2 so that the same people can meet again? I describe this cooking day as fun, educational, delicious.” Lindsay Horlock, Melbourne. June 2019.
‘Hi Tonya, Thank you for a lovely day of cooking. It was very interesting and great company. Kind regards, Sue Keenan’. 14th March, 2021.
Easy Low Carb Living Group.
‘Great food and great experience!’ Saturday 7th December, 2024. Lewis and Sophie Duncan. Cook Real Food LCHF
Lisa Orwin – Healthy Cooking Class: Cook Real Low Carb Food
‘It was a perfect day. Meeting new people. Teacher was very informative and the food was delicious. Definitely recommend this course’. Sunday 7th April, 2024.
- Zucchini and Tomato tian
- Aubergine salad with goats cheese
‘Was invited by a friend to join this low carb-healthy eating cooking class. Enjoyed it, nice small group, we sat down to eat what we cooked after that. Decorative, healthy tasty food!’
. Pek, Sunday 7th April, 2024.
Lisa Orwin – Healthy Cooking Class: Cook Real Low Carb Food
‘It was a perfect day. Meeting new people. Teacher was very informative and the food was delicious. Definitely recommend this course’. Sunday 7th April, 2024.
- Zucchini and Tomato tian
- Aubergine salad with goats cheese
‘Tonya is a confident and very capable teacher who gave clear instructions and was most encouraging to all members of the class.
The ingredients were carefully prepared and the instructions were clearly stated.
She willingly helped us when we asked but generally gave us freedom to work independently in our pairs.
It was especially enjoyable to sit down and share the beautiful meal which we had prepared. We were able to congratulate each other on our hard work!’
Sue Fitzgerald , 26th March 2023. Sue came with her gorgeous daughter Krista; it was a lovely day.
‘Tonya, Just going through all the notes you sent, so helpful. Will be shopping this week and making a couple of things, starting with some butter and labneh! Sunday, I started re-organising my kitchen to make the cooking process more effective. I also went through all my cupboards sorting out all my appliances, pots, etc. I have also started making a list of some fresh herbs I’ll get for my garden and checking my kitchen implements, so definitely inspired! Also, I’m thinking the stocks/sauces/soups would be a good one for me, learning to get more flavour into my meals. I see it’s on in a couple of weeks….Deb’ McDonald, Williamstown, Victoria. September 2022.
In response to my newsletter, Winter, June 2021, I received some lovely thank yous….this was especially nice and so I thought it good to share with you. ‘ Thanks for the recipes Tonya – great ideas for those trying to follow a keto diet. Elliot mentioned he really likes your recipes too as they are very informative, easy to follow and well written as they clearly show a logic and demonstrate you’ve tested them. It’s so hard for us to be imaginative enough to think of tasty options without carbs etc…’ Jaclyn W Camberwell, June 2021 and Elliot her chef partner.
Plus about the Spaghetti Squash. ‘Another delicious sounding recipe, I keep forgetting about that vegetable and I really like it so you have reminded me to order it from the green grocer’. Rachelle Simons June 2021. Recipe is here on the website.

Cooked and garnished

“I am looking forward to cooking with you again soon. You are so knowledgeable and l love your teaching style.” Letizia Michael, Narre Warren South, July 2019.
‘thank you for another fantastic day of great hospitality, learning, sumptuous food and magic social interaction…it was great to be a part of it. Days like today only generate further passion to extend my repertoire of dishes. I think I just need to pick my 20 or so go-to dishes and really master them – the slow-cooked ocean trout will certainly be amongst them along with at least half of dozen of your other dishes from previous courses. I thoroughly enjoyed the day today – Cooking – Creating and Celebrating…. Dean Schultz, Melbourne Sunday 11th March 2018

Ocean trout served in a sorrel sauce, garnished with our egg mayonnaise and finger limes
- Balcony herb garden
- My favourite – asparagus
- Capsicums and chilies
- Zucchini flowers and spring vegetables