Mandarin and pistachio cake

I do look forward to baking this cake in autumn when mandarins are at their peak; some varieties continue into June and winter, so there is still time for you to get into the kitchen and baking.  The lusciousness of the pistachios and the sweetness of the mandarins, make a perfect and flavoursome match. The [...]

Passata Making

 Now, in February and March, is the perfect time for Passata making. Tomatoes are at their peak. It is an easy process - here is how to make it! Ingredients: To make 12 x 750 ml bottles 1 box of Roma 'sauce' tomatoes, about 15kg Bunch basil Murray River Sea Salt [...]

By |2025-03-12T15:39:04+11:00February 26th, 2021|Fruits, Italian Food, Italian Food, Passata, Passata, Passata, Recipes, South Melbourne Market, Suppliers, Tomatoes, Uncategorized, Vegetables|Comments Off on Passata Making

Suppliers for Cooking on the Bay at the South Melbourne Market, Corner of Coventry & Cecil Streets, South Melbourne, 03 9209 6295

These guys all have a good teams working with them. Aptus Fish Supply – Peter, Anna, Linda plus others K and L Poultry – eggs, poultry and duck –Chris, Pete, Tina Kirkpatricks Butchers – Barry, Mario, Tom and Sue The Nut Shoppe – Chris and Connie Franks Quality Fruit and Vegetables - Joe and Gino [...]

By |2020-04-01T15:24:53+11:00April 1st, 2020|Cook Real Food, Food, Fresh Fruits, Fruit, Fruit in season, Fruits, Markets, Meat, Poultry, SEafood, Seafood, South Melbourne Market, Suppliers, Vegetables, Vegetables, Vegetables in season|Comments Off on Suppliers for Cooking on the Bay at the South Melbourne Market, Corner of Coventry & Cecil Streets, South Melbourne, 03 9209 6295

Seasonal Produce Guide

My food philosophy is to eat local food in season. The beginning of a new season is always exciting for those cooks who cook with seasonal produce; it allows enjoying a fresh new range of fruits, vegetables, meats and fish when they are at their best, at their most flavoursome and full of vitamins. Each [...]

By |2021-08-29T17:01:23+10:00July 15th, 2013|Cook Real Food, Food, Fresh Fruits, Fruit in season, Fruits, Musings, Seafood, Seasonal Food, Vegetables|Comments Off on Seasonal Produce Guide
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